An MC/DS Playbook for 2025
MC: Always always always connect any current issue to big
money & corruption. As long as billionaires own our government,
things will get worse and worse
DS: Do not stop there! The crucial next step is to express
clearly and loudly - What are our demands? And from the demands will
flow solutions
Some Examples
- Our healthcare system sucks because it's about money and not
health: Demand the end of for-profit health insurance, and the
formation of a full-service United States National Healthcare System
- Uniformed officers of the state commit yet another atrocity:
Demand that everyone up the chain of command be fired or resign,
including (most importantly of all) those in leadership positions
- Every uniparty politician in Washington is owned and working
for the billionaires: Demand that they either resign or exit the
corrupt duopoly, and make fixing the big-money system their #1 priority
That's what a real demands-based movement looks like. For more
and strategy, see:
Return to the Eleven Demands