Eleven Demands

Both major political parties are thoroughly corrupt and only serve the interests of billionaires and large corporations.  Educating people about this difficult reality is a crucial first step.  But what is step two?

The Eleven Demands strategy proposes the formation of a mass movement centered around a coherent, concise set of demands, and the convergence of direct action, mutual aid, and electoral efforts to achieve a better world.

Sabby Sabs talks about MC/DS and Eleven Demands

        Money - Corruption / Demands - Solutions

Nothing will fundamentally change as long as big money runs the show

 Eleven Demands for Real Democracy

Eleven Demands Collective

The Eleven Demands Collective is a gathering of individuals who have reached the inevitable conclusion that money and corruption are the root causes that drive all other issues.  Our mission:
Every discussion of any major issue should finish with MC/DS - Money - Corruption / Demands - Solutions.  Any discussion that does not finish there is a missed opportunity.  The endgame is to reach a critical mass of people thinking this way and demanding an end to the corruption; a broad movement that is too big to ignore.

The Eleven-Demands Strategy

The key ideas:

Proposed Platform for a Real Left Candidate

Why You Should Avoid the Phrase "Taxpayer Dollars"

Mutual Aid / Direct Action, or Electoral Politics?

Rather than framing these as being in competition, let's talk about doing both, working together.  Neither one alone will be sufficient to get the systemic changes we need.  The corporate establishment loves to separate us into bickering camps, talking down what others are doing.  Let's collaborate on how mutual aid / direct action and a demands-based strategy can be combined, with a list of demands connecting them.

Here's a clip from our recent Forum Eleven panel. What is your strategy for winning this thing? With panelists Jason Call (@CallForCongress) and Mastermind Hour, hosted by EricT Red and Cory L-T.

And see here for the replay of the full livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYq4svZjD0s&t=900s

Watch the replay of the third Forum Eleven livestream, with panelists Oz from Beauty & the Boomer, Mastermind Hour, hosted by EricT Red and Cory L-T. Discussing MC/DS and more!

Check out the second Forum Eleven livestream, with panelists Sabrina Salvati, Kit Cabello, hosted by EricT Red and Cory L-T.
Discussing the theme: "Do the Pivot"

Cory and I had a great conversation with Kit Cabello on Hard Lens Media. We turned it up to eleven! Check it out:

Here's our conversation with Sabby Sabs about the demands, solutions, and more:

Check out our conversation with Jaybefaunt about the Eleven Demands and strategy:

See here for shorter clips from the Jaybefaunt livestream

Watch the replay of the first Forum Eleven livestream, with panelists Sabrina Salvati, Courtney Banks, Collin Radix-Carter and Reef Breland. Hosted by EricT Red. (show begins at 8:40)

Crime and Politics - Ep 5 - Demands
About the intersection of criminal justice and political corruption, and the systemic solutions we need.
With hosts Eric & Cory:

See here for more Crime and Politics videos

Recommended viewing:

Sabby Sabs livestreams and videos
Revolutionary Blackout Network

Printable PDFs:  PDF1  PDF2

See also:  EricT Red

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